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#1 22/05/2021 13:01:04

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'Overwatch 2' will bring a team of five against each other.


Overwatch 2 will not arrive in 2022 at the earliest. But it will change the google duo คือ way you play the hero shooting game. During the Blizzard developers' live stream held Thursday, newly-created game director Aaron Keller announced that the series is moving to a five-to-five player format. Playing with Overwatch 2, your team composition consists of two damage dealers, two support heroes, and a single tank. In short, you'll have a less damaging sponge on one of your teams in Overwatch 2 than you do in Overwatch.Most of the time, the game is switched to a five on five format to make it easier and clearer to understand. "Sometimes it's hard to keep track of what the other 11 players are doing on the battlefield,

said Keller. "By removing these two things, everything is easier, it helps players understand everything around them and make better choices," he also pointed out that "Overwatch is constantly changing" it can be difficult. Will remember the moment before Blizzard released the role. But when the game comes out, it's possible for more than one person on your team to play the same hero. "We feel this is the next step in Overwatch," says Keller.As you can imagine, changing the number of players involved in the tournament has had a huge impact on the rest of the game, Blizzard has redesigned the tank to make it more aggressive.

Some of the changes currently the studio is testing include a new backup power supply for Winston's Tesla Cannon that makes it easier for him to escape enemies. More resilient by increasing life force and enhancing defensive abilities such as Defense Matrix, as a result of tweaking the design, the level of the game has also changed.In Overwatch 2 maps such as Toronto and Rome will have areas covered. More so that the players hide behind It's not surprising that the Overwatch community isn't quite sure what to think of this change, especially not knowing how heroes like Orisa and Roadhog will fit into the new meta.



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